We had to make a 6 side’s digipak for our album 'Afterglow'
The front cover is in big green letters 'Afterglow' the letters are done
in green/yellow with a city themed background, attracting our audience. This
front cover is a shot from our film. The letters are in big bold that take up
the majority of the front cover to make it stand out, and we used a black
background to also make the green/yellow letters.
On the second page is a photo of Tamzene, our singer (Wilkinsons
singer). She is the actress in the video also. We used that photo of her,
because it is in a cool effect, and she is sitting at a piano with a
microphone, which is what we have her doing in the video, this will appeal to
an audience who will potentially buy the digipak album, and watch the video,
and it gives then someone to relate to. As Wilkinson are an up and coming
band, audiences like to have a face that they can remember, Tamzene being
in the digipak cover and in the video gives the audience something to remember
them buy.
We put a sparkler in there because the title of the Album and our song
is 'Afterglow' and in the lyrics mentions glow/lights. This gives the audience
something that makes the main single of the album memorable.
We used the Turntable (DJ system), in one of the pages in our digipak.
This is to remind the audience that Wilkinson isn't just a singing band;
Wilkinson is primarily a drum & bass band that make their own music and
For the back cover. This is a track list. The front and back cover is
the first thing people look at when they pick up a digipak album. To make it
reasonably similar, we used the same green/yellow colours. We used different
font for the back cover as we need it smaller, a bit more sophisticated and to
give it panache. We used the logo tags at the bottom of the back cover, because
these are companies that associate themselves with the band Wilkinson. Vevo are
a company that associate themselves with youtube, one of the biggest websites
used. Vevo promote music videos online, especially through youtube. This is
Vevo’s link with Wilkinson on youtube:
We took a random barcode of the internet, every digipak has a barcode
for obvious reasons with buying in shops, so we thought we needed one on our
digipak. Ram records are a company that strongly link themselves with the band
Wilkinson. Ram records are primarily a drum & bass record company, you can
find Wilkinson’s link with Ram records here :
Itunes is probably the biggest digital way of buying music. You can buy
Wilkinson songs and albums on Itunes, this is Wilkinson's link with Itunes:

This is the template we used to help create our digipak:

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